Hello, my name is Justin Ramjattan. I hold a Upper Second Class Degree in Computer Science from the University of the West Indies St.Augustine. My main fields of interest are, development of Native Applications, Web Applications and Data Science. I also have basic knowledge in Cloud Computing. I am proficient in C, C++, Java, Python, Scala, SQL, Dart, Kotlin, PHP, Javascript, Typescript and Swift. I am familiar with Prolog and CLIPS. I also do graphical designs.

I have worked on projects and developed skills using:

  • Docker
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Django
  • Flask
  • Android Studio
  • Xcode
  • Flutter
  • React, React-Native
  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • GameMaker Studios 2
  • Nodejs
  • MongoDb
  • MySql

As a student I accomplished the following:

  • I am the on Board of Executives for The UWI Computing Society.
  • I became a fellow at Hacker Hostel.
  • I became the Full-Stack Developer for a Gym Platform.
  • I am currently the Lead Programmer for JORMS Games
  • I was awarded Best In Challenge in the Telios Code Jam Challenge Week Day 1.

You can find programs and projects I have worked on here: Github | Bitbucket

You can view flyers/posters I have created The UWI Computing Society here: Flyers

You can get more information about me and contact me here: Linkedin